“Naliboki.Khatnyaya” now sold in 0.2 liter bottles
“Naliboki. Khatnyaya” is the first product in the Belarusian market that has the flavor and aroma of natural moonshine. Great consumer interest and excellent reviews from the tasting competitions have caused the company to start selling this nastoika in smaller, 0.2 liter bottles.
Rich flavor and aroma of homemade moonshine make up the colorful character of this nastoika
Strength - 40%.
“Naliboki.Khatnyaya” – Our dear own country drink!
As of today, “Naliboki” line of vodkas and nastoikas sold in 0.2 liter bottles offers the following products:
- vodka “Naliboki. Krynichnaya”;
- special vodka ”Naliboki. Traditional”;
- special vodka ”Naliboki. On Birch Buds”;
- special vodka”Naliboki. On Bread”;
- special vodka ”Naliboki. Zapavednaya”;
- special vodka ”Naliboki.Lagodnaya”;
- bitternastoika “Old Yager”;
- bitter nastoika “Khatnyaya”.