13 June 2015
New design for Sauvignon in Tetra Pak packaging
Excellent, high-quality Sauvignon dry wine, made from the eponymous grape variety grown in sunny Moldova, appear edon the store shelves with the new original packaging design! Absolutely atypical for the Vinaria din Valeline of wines, new eco style design subtly emphasizes the freshness, juicinessand naturalness of the product.
Hot summer has arrived, and as it is well known, this season is unthinkable without trips to the country and picnics with a large and cheerful company. Such outdoor format makes it easy to evaluate the usability of packaging Tetra Pakand spend time with taste, thanks to the wines of Vinaria din Vale line.
See all previous news
30 December 2015
"Naliboki Gold" brand restyled
24 December 2015
"Cask Tradition" line of wines restyled
01 December 2015
New product – “SKAmeyka” series of low-alcoholic beverages
06 September 2015
New product launched – gold tequila “Tolteca Gold”
02 September 2015
“White River” restyled