15 February 2015
New in Royal Blau line - WeinbauerStolz wines

Two new varieties were added to the popular line of wines - red and white medium sweet wine WeinbauerStolz, which, translated from German, means“Winegrower’s Pride”. Such name is not accidental, since only selected grapes and expertly chosen varieties were blendedto give these wines theirnoble andharmonious taste that evena gourmet will appreciate.
WeinbauerStolz, like other wines of the Royal Blau line, have characteristic German style with a certainsolemnity making them distinctiveand attractivein places of sales.
Refinedstylish softtaste of GermanRhine from the largestBelarusian manufacturer!
See all previous news
30 December 2015
"Naliboki Gold" brand restyled
24 December 2015
"Cask Tradition" line of wines restyled
01 December 2015
New product – “SKAmeyka” series of low-alcoholic beverages
06 September 2015
New product launched – gold tequila “Tolteca Gold”
02 September 2015
“White River” restyled