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02 March 2020

"Khmelnaya vishnya" - sweet acquaintance!

       The beginning of spring pleased with the release of the long-awaited novelty. On the shelves of our brand shops there appeared a new product, not presented earlier on the Belarusian market, but very popular among young audience - "Khmelnaya vishnya".

       "Khmelnaya vishnya" is a premium sweet nastoika, produced according to a traditional Belarusian recipe.

       The culture of making fruit liqueurs and nastoikas on the land of Belarus for centuries has been an integral part of everyday life of many pan and nobleman's estates. Vishnevka is one of the most popular Belarusian nastoikas. It was especially popular in Polesye, although in other regions of Belarus cherry trees were also very popular. There were many recipes for it - on alcohol, cognac, rum.  We took the most traditional recipe as a basis.

      All components  are only natural; natural cherry juice is used in production. Cherry berries are infused for 21 days on selected grain alcohol, thanks to which the nastoika gets a soft, balanced, sufficiently sweet, but not mawky taste with a noble sourness, and a bright aroma of cherry and cherry stone.

       Inside each bottle there are cherry berries, so the product keeps insisting after bottling and gets even better!

      The label design of the nastoika is made in the fashionable style of "pop art".



The excess of alcohol
is harmful to your health